If you want to use planter boxes for your next growing season, there are steps you can take to ensure both your plants and planter thrive. You can purchase separate liners from a home and garden store or an online marketplace. However, you can save some money by lining your planter box with a few simple steps. Find out how to line a planter box with our tips below!

raised bed planter

Why Use a Planter Box?

There are many reasons to use a planter box for flowers, vegetables and other crops. They allow growers to utilise smaller spaces, protect against weeds and typically have better drainage. Some use the boxes to grow more crops when they don’t want to expand their in-ground garden.

You can prepare your planter box for the season in a few easy steps while protecting it for years to come. To ready your planter, complete the following four steps.

1. Cleaning

You first want to clean and waterproof your planter so it doesn’t rot or mould. Do this by mixing up hot soapy water and thoroughly spraying the surface. Use a gentle scrubber to work the mixture into the planter and let it air dry.

2. Waterproofing

Once your planter is clean and dry, you’ll need to waterproof it to ensure excess moisture doesn’t get into or out of the box. If you’re using wood, apply a plant-safe waterproofing solution to the surface and let it dry completely.

You will also need to provide drainage if the box doesn’t already have it. Drill some small holes and a few larger holes in the bottom of the planter to prevent water buildup from oversaturating your plants.

vegetables growing in raised bed planter

3. Line the Inside 

You then need to line the planter with a plastic sheet. Staple the plastic to the planter’s sides and poke a few holes into the bottom to let the water drain. The liner shouldn’t go over the rim of the box but should be close to the top to line it properly.

4. Cover the Outside

To protect the outside of the planter, cover the outside of it with a screen or plastic, as long as drainage is possible. You should also fill in any gaps in the box with more wood or pieces of pottery. Once that’s done, place the planter on a study, flat surface and you’re ready for the growing season. 

Using a Planter Box 

Planter boxes are an excellent solution for creating or expanding a garden. By properly preparing them, you can ready your box to keep your crops thriving for several more seasons.

Rose Morrison is a home living writer with over five years experience writing in the industry. She is the managing editor of Renovated.com and loves to cover home renovations and decor to inspire everyone to live their best DIY life. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her baking something to satisfy her never-ending sweet tooth.