Tall ones. Short ones. Stately ones. Cute, whimsical numbers shaped like gnomes or cupcakes. There’s a planter for every spot and every decorating taste.

If you haven’t discovered the joy of container gardening, you have yet to find the fun and relaxation doing so can provide. You’re also missing one of the most economical ways to beautify your home. The right planters can unify a decorating scheme or transform your patio into a serene and nurturing meditation grove.

What are planters? Here’s your quick look at these plant containers and how you can use them to enhance your property value — and overall joy in living.

bonsai in a pot

Why Your Home Needs Planters

There are dozens of reasons you should invest in planters for your home. Say you dwell in an urban walkup with a balcony. You could plop down a patio chair to watch the sunset, but this arrangement hardly creates the right mood. Even minimalist organising authority Marie Kondo recommends keeping objects in your space that spark joy — the aesthetic appeal of plants fits the bill.

Planters add style and class to your decor, even if you have an expansive lawn. Are you looking to sell? If so, staging experts recommend removing trinkets like whirligigs from your yard, as they may turn off more discriminating buyers. However, fewer people turn up their noses at a set of stately urns gracing your entryway with a burst of greenery.

Are you tired of sticker shock at the grocery store? Many people can relate to feeling inflation’s bite on their wallets. However, you can learn to save the seeds from easy-to-grow species you buy — like peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers — and grow new ones in a container. You’ll have plenty of fresh, organic produce for free.

The Best Materials for Planters

You have some decisions on the kind of planters you will use, not the least of which is what material to choose. There are a lot of options — stick with one or opt for a variety to suit different needs.

1. Plastic

Plastic planters have two distinct advantages — they’re inexpensive and less breakable. That makes them an excellent choice for novice gardeners on a budget and people who move a lot. They’re also easier to lift — even when full — than many other materials.

If you choose this option, be careful not to overwater your plants. Because plastic is a non-permeable substance, moisture can build up inside and too much can harm your plants. Plus, this material won’t biodegrade in landfills if you decide to dispose of it.

2. Wood

Wooden planters are great for DIY enthusiasts. You can construct them by picking up free used pallets from your local hardware store and repurposing the wood.

Unlike plastic, wood lets moisture escape. However, this permeability isn’t always an advantage. Keep an eye on your wooden planters for signs of rot and be prepared to replace them if necessary. 

3. Concrete

If you want a stately, large entryway planter or two, concrete is a great choice. This long-lasting material will stand the test of time and is hard to break. It’s also somewhat permeable, as anyone with leaky basement walls can attest.
The one drawback of concrete planters is their bulk. You may need professional movers to get that jumbo model off your porch. However, you won’t have to worry about thieves coming to your property in the middle of the night and carrying them away, so their weight can also be an advantage.

4. Terracotta

Many gardeners consider terracotta the gold standard for planters. This permeable material is reasonably sturdy, although it can shatter if dropped.
This material may be your best choice if you aren’t too savvy with the watering can. It helps maintain the ideal moisture balance in container plants — assuming you take good care of them.

indoor plants in planters

5. Metal 

You can drop a metal planter on concrete and it will still cuddle your begonias. It might have a small dent, but it will do the job. Zinc is a recent introduction that has superseded powder coated due to its superior corrosion resistance. 

Metal containers can rust, but they won’t hurt your plants unless contaminated with toxic chemicals. However, this material isn’t permeable.  A few small holes in the bottom let excess moisture escape, but you should still be a bit more careful with the watering can.

6. Ceramic

Ceramic is another substance many gardeners enjoy. It’s permeable, but not as much as terracotta. It also comes in any shade imaginable and you can find a wide range at Primrose.co.uk.

7. Fibreglass

Fibreglass planters combine lightweight materials with durability. This material is resistant to UV radiation, making it ideal for placing outdoors in sunny spots. Depending on size, you can move your plants yourself if you relocate.

While very durable, fibreglass models come with a higher initial price point. Despite this, they’re definitely worth the investment.

8. Composites

Finally, composite (such as fibrestone planters) blend two materials with unique chemical properties. Many such models offer a combination of lightweight style and flexibility — they may come in various shapes.

Choosing a Planter Size & Style

Once you select the materials you want, you still must consider size and style. Each planter layout is as unique as its owner. Ask yourself the following questions when going container shopping:

  • How many do I need? Are you planning on lining an entire balcony, redoing a room or updating your landscaping with a meditation garden? You might need a host of planters in various sizes to complete your decor. Conversely, you may only require one small pot to re-home that bamboo plant you keep on your work desk.
  • What is my theme? There’s nothing wrong with mixing and matching your planters. However, if it’s elegance you want, it helps to decide on a theme beforehand, matching your planter colours and materials accordingly.
  • Will I use these planters inside or outside? While all planters should stand up to watering, those kept outdoors must weather more severe elements.
  • What are my biggest concerns? People with pets or small children might welcome the robust nature of metal or plastic. Those who want to go the ultimate eco-friendly route might choose to make planters out of repurposed materials.

Ideas for Placing Planters Around Your Home

Once you have your planter collection, how should you display it? There’s much more you can do than stick your pot on a shelf and forget it other than weekly watering. Consider some of these fun ideas.

1. Make a plant wall

Your mantel or windowsill isn’t the only place for a planter. You can display your favourite family photos among the leaves, creating a stunning focal point in your living room. Alternatively, make a miniature herb wall in your kitchen to snip some sage for that roast by doing a pirouette.

Those repurposed pallets can also become a hanging wall for your planters. Mount it on one of the walls of your home or a fence and insert metal hoop hooks where you can place your terracotta pots.

2. Repurpose an old tv stand

Do you have an old entertainment centre gathering dust in your home? Remove the glass doors and put those shelves to use as a display case for your favourite planters and their blooms.

3. Hang planters up

You can find beautiful woven planter hangers that suspend your blooms from the ceiling. This approach works fabulously with trailing foliage like spider plants.

4. Group them on a table

Do you want a burst of health? Group a bunch of plants on a table and inhale the goodness each time you walk by your arrangement. You can also transform your bath into an aromatherapy experience with this method — the steam will release the scent particles from the blooms into the air. 

Incorporating Planters Into and Onto Your Home

What are planters? They’re something every house can use to transform into a cosy home of growing things. Hopefully, this article inspired you to head to the nursery. Get started on your container gardening journey with the right planters today.

Rose Morrison is a home living writer with over five years experience writing in the industry. She is the managing editor of Renovated.com and loves to cover home renovations and decor to inspire everyone to live their best DIY life. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her baking something to satisfy her never-ending sweet tooth.