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Hydrangea plants are a highly popular ornamental shrub, most known for their prolific and colourful blooms. Interestingly, the colour of these flowers will vary depending on the soil pH. Hydrangeas growing in acid soil will be blue, while Hydrangeas in akaline soil tend to be pink.

The flowers of Hydrangea plants can also be mophead or lacecap. Mophead flowers are abundant and full, while lacecap flowers have flatter and more intricate appearance.

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Showing Shrubs Hydrangea clear all
Indoor plants by room
Deciduous Or Evergreen
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Showing Shrubs Hydrangea clear all
Hydrangea paniculata 'Skyfall' ('Frenne') (PBR) | Hydrangea |

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Hydrangea 'Boléro Blue' (PBR) | Hydrangea (syn. French Bolero Blue) |

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Hydrangeas FAQs

Hydrangeas can be a little tricky to grow, but if properly cared for they offer beautiful blooms that can fill your garden with some much-needed colour. From small hydrangea plants to large hydrangea shrubs, you’ll find a hydrangea to suit your garden in our collection.

Do Hydrangeas Need Sun Or Shade?

Do Hydrangeas Like A Lot Of Water?

Should I Cut Off Dead Hydrangea Blooms?

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