12 Month Supply | Bermuda Barley Straw Pond Treatment
For hundreds of years it has been recognized that adding Barley Straw to wells has freshened the water and reduced the growth of green algae. Use Bermuda Barley Straw for the treatment of algae in ponds. Our barley straw is pet and wildlife friendly and is safe for fish and plants.
Fountain Safe Water Feature Cleaner - 3 Month Supply by Ambienté©
Developed Exclusively for Primrose. As the name implies, this new generation water feature cleaner 'Fountain Safe' will help you to effortlessly maintain the lustre of your shiny new water feature whilst ensuring that the safety of your children and pets is not compromised.
We were concerned over the use of chlorine based products being sold for maintaining water features. These products are toxic and leave a lingering odour making them unsuitable for use indoors, in ponds, or around children and pets. So, working with the UK's leading pond chemical laboratories, we developed a safe, odourless alternative without losing any of the benefits or cleaning power of the older generation water feature products.
250ml Fountain Frost Free - For Birdbaths, Fountains & Ponds
If water freezes in a fountain or bird bath, it can expand and crack the resin or stonework. Fountain Frost-Free prevents frost damage to fountains & birdbaths and allows continued access to drinking water for wild birds.
Developed exclusively for Primrose, Fountain Frost-Free is a safe, environmentally friendly way to protect your water feature, bird bath, pond and pump from freezing whilst ensuring that the safety of your children, pets, birds and wildlife is not compromised.