Floribunda Roses

The major competitor to hybrid teas, floribunda roses were developed over hundred years with breeders seeking to add the extra flower size and height of the hybrid tea to the large clusters and long flowering period of the polyantha. Developed from the back end of the 19th to the first half of 20th century, floribundas were finally recognised as distinct by the U.S. National Rose Society in 1952.

The major competitor to hybrid teas, floribunda roses were developed over hundred years with breeders seeking to add the extra flower size and height of the hybrid tea to the large clusters and long flowering period of the polyantha. Developed from the back end of the 19th to the first half of 20th century, floribundas were finally recognised as distinct by the U.S. National Rose Society in 1952 .

The best rose for adding colour to the garden, floribunda's large trusses will flower continuously throughout the summer and autumn.

Floribundas have smaller flowers than the hybrid tea, although makes up for it with an abundance of them! And unlike the fussy hybrid tea, they can tolerate wet weather and are relatively easy to care for.

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