Primrose stocks a wide range of mole deterrents - both humane and clinical. Our ultrasonic repellents work by emitting ultrasound, inaudible to humans, but painful to moles causing them to vacate the area. Primrose stocks both battery and solar powered repellents, and we recommend you buy one of each, turning the former off in the brighter months. We also stock mole traps starting at only £2.99, complete with a no human contact guarantee, ensuring the moles are not put off by the smell of human scent.
For a wealth of inspiration and expertise, have a look at our Pest Control Ideas & Advice hub.
While rather endearing looking, moles can be a nuisance in the garden since they can cause so much damage to your lawns. Learn how to deter moles from the garden for good in our guide.
Getting rid of moles can be tricky because they live underground in large tunnel networks. Thankfully we've written a useful guide on 'How to Get Rid of Moles' to help you solve your mole problem.
When you’ve been working hard growing and maintaining your garden, it can be frustrating when pests damage it out of our control. Sonic repellers are designed to evict moles without harming them by emitting a low-frequency boom that mimics the sound of other moles and machinery.
When a mole hears these sounds, they will move to another area of its underground tunnel as they are solitary animals.
Mole traps are among the quickest ways to catch moles in your yard or garden. Simply set them up by digging into the mole tunnel and placing them in – these types of pest control will trap the mole inside when it tries to pass through.
Just make sure you wear protective gloves when opening them from the packaging and handling them, as the smell of human scent can deter moles from certain areas.
Moles usually invade gardens and yards in the hunt for food. They search for things like earthworms and insects like ants - if your garden doesn't have any of its primary food sources, it will move somewhere else. To put off moles from exploring your garden for food, you can also use insect repellent.
Browse more pest control products including mouse and rat deterrents as well as cat repellers.
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